Monthview Control

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I need to use Microsoft MonthView Control in a worksheet from Excel 2010 32bit. I'm using Windows 10 so I thought the controls is not registered to Windows 10. I've tried registering the calendar control in my system using cmd.

'Used during testing GoTo AfterFormAndControlCreate 'Calendar and MonthView control exist. End If Next ctrl End If If objCalendarFrm Is Nothing Then 'Userform does not exist so create 'MsgBox 'CalendarForm does NOT exist.' 'Used during testing 'Create the User Form Set objCalendarFrm = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_MSForm) With objCalendarFrm.Properties('Height') = 300.Properties('Width') = 300.Properties('Caption') = 'Select Date' On Error Resume Next 'Following line errors if CalendarForm is deleted and _ code is re-run before closing and re-opening the workbook _ and hense the On Error Resume Next.Name = 'CalendarForm' On Error GoTo 0 End With End If 'Note code skips this to AfterFormAndControlCreate: label _ if MonthView exists on CalendarForm. @ Rotem, Have you had any success with your problem to date?

But thank you for taking the time to review my post and your suggestion. It's unfortunate that because you are part of the organisation.

Monthview Control Excel 2007

Since your last post I have had to start again with my app, as I have established that I didn't plan well enough initially - lesson learnt! Despite having to start again, my original problem remains, however the fields have changed. In review my problem is this. I have a form with quite a few sets of fields. They are: dtpArrDate1 through to dtpArrDate10 dtpDepDate1 through to dtpDepDate10 dtpCheckInDate1 through to dtpCheckInDate5 dtpCheckOutDate1 through to dtpCheckOutDate5 dtpCarPickUp1 through to dtpCarPickUp5 dtpCarDropOff1 through to dtpCarDropOff5 The fields are all date picker controls. Currently when the form is loaded the fields display today's date which is not what I want. I want the fields to display as blank until the user actually selects a date.

@Rod Gill Using Range.Text or Range.Value gives the same result @Oskar Shon As I said in my first post, cells are formatted as Date. In fact if use +1 formula it shows the following day and not #ARG!

Don't forget to register the file after coping it. Also I find that you did not mentioned which Excel version you are using and which control you are looking for?

Hello, I have Windows 8, 64bit and Office 2010 I am trying to get the 'datepicker' (MonthView) ActiveX control toolbox in Excel 2010 as part of a Excel UserForm I have created. I have spent all day trying to find a solution for my problem. I opened up the 'more. ' but the MonthView/datepicker/calendar control is not listed. I referred to some articles and confirmed that I do indeed have the mscomct2.ocx file in the C: Windows syswow64 folder. I followed the instructions as above, opening up the Administrator Command Prompt and changed the directory to C: Windows syswow64 and typed in RegSvr32.

For instance: if you wrote so this date is not date but string because cell text format. You can check it in worksheet by adding +1 to date cell like =C1+1. You should have Next day date. If you have err #ARG!

'See for more info on following line For Each ctrl In VBA.UserForms.Add(objCalendarFrm.Name).Controls If TypeName(ctrl) = 'MonthView' Then 'MsgBox TypeName(ctrl) & ' control exists.' & vbCrLf _ & 'Skipping form and Control creation.'

Can't I?) I've taken a screen dump of the Forms/ActiveX toolbox. I don't know what the next step is. I guess you'd be able to advise. Cheers, TheShyButterfly Hope you have a terrific day, theShyButterfly. I ran across the same issue today; however, I found a solution. Through some research, I found a standalone Excel Date calendar that someone created and was willing to share. I wanted to post a link but I couldn't since I just registered on this, but try the MrExcel website.

I have had a few goes at writing code to make this happen but never successfully. I also tried to manipulate the code you supplied so generously previously but the changes I have had to make to the app have made it redundant and my skills are not up to scratch programming wise. Any ideas for code which will achieve my aim? Thanks in advance.

Click to participate the survey. Hi, Please follow the steps mention below. >>Click on the link given below that will download the >> open file then you will see 2 files. >> copy MSCOMCT2.OCX file and paste it in C: Windows System32.

If you are using 64 bit operating system then you need to copy the file in 'c: windows sysWOW64'. Regards Deepak MSDN Community Support Please remember to click 'Mark as Answer' the responses that resolved your issue, and to click 'Unmark as Answer' if not. This can be beneficial to other community members reading this thread.

This changes when his neighbor and childhood friend, Tsubaki, introduces him to Kaori Miyazono, a cheerful violinist who tends to ignore technique to play from her heart. Anime like the pet girl of sakurasou. However, after his mom died, he found himself unable to hear the piano and thus he retired from the stage. Well, here we have some suggestions for you. Kousei Arima was an incredibly gifted pianist, nicknamed “human metronome” for his perfect technique.

Monthview Control Missing

The reason I was able to is that the Calendar Control is standard with Office Professional (and also with stand-alone Access, but I think not with stand-alone Excel), and all our PCs have Office Pro licenses, so that control was already available. Another possibility might be the standard Windows MonthCalendar and DateTimePicker controls. These are system controls, so they won't be as straightforward as using Excel or Office controls. I'm sure it's possible to access them via VBA, but I've never done so and am unlikely to be able to offer much advice should you go that path.